Physical Therapy Blog

How Nutrition Can Decrease Your Risk Dec10th 2020

How Nutrition Can Decrease Inflammation and Pain

When people say they want to improve their diet, their inspiration is often to lose weight, avoid an allergy, gain muscle, improve their skin, or increase their athletic performance. What we don’t hear quite as often is, “I want to improve my diet in order to alleviate my chronic pain.” The truth is, making some

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A Physical Therapists Perspective Nov20th 2020

A Physical Therapist’s Perspective on Chronic Back Pain

Out of all the conditions we diagnose and treat at our physical therapy clinic, chronic low back pain is one of the most common. We spend a lot of time educating our patients and their loved ones about this broad health condition—including why it happens and how to avoid it. Because here’s the thing a

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If Youre Experiencing These 5 Symptoms You Need Physical Therapy Nov10th 2020

If You’re Experiencing These 5 Symptoms, Consider Physical Therapy

You may think of physical therapy as something for athletes in training or those who are struggling to recover after a serious accident. While physical therapy is used for both of these types of things, there are so many more conditions that physical therapy can treat. If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, you

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